Generation of Fibonacci Sequence using Recursion.

Write a recursive function to obtain the first 25 numbers of a Fibonacci
sequence. In a Fibonacci sequence the sum of two successive terms gives the
third term. Following are the first few terms of the Fibonacci sequence:

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 ...


static int prev_number=0, number=1; // static: so value is not lost

int fibonacci (int prev_number, int number);

printf ("Following are the first 25 Numbers of the Fibonacci Series:\n");

printf ("1 "); //to avoid complexity

fibonacci (prev_number,number);


fibonacci (int prev_number, int number)

static int i=1; //i is not 0, cuz 1 is already counted in main.
int fibo;

if (i==25)
printf ("\ndone"); //stop after 25 numbers


prev_number=number; //important steps


printf ("\n%d", fibo);
i++; // increment counter

fibonacci (prev_number,number); //recursion




Anonymous said…
Thanks for this example!

NextDawn C and C++ Tutorials
Copper Skull said…
Thanks. :)

The site you have provided is nice too. :)
Unknown said…
it should be more clear
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Thanks a lot!

Anonymous said…
Thanks alot ... it seems to be pretty clear nad would need some more example if possible.
Also I have few info about the same on my blog
Unknown said…
thanks a lot sir for your help
Unknown said…
Thanks for the idea
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the idea
Unknown said…
thnx... datz gud 1,
surya said…
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Anonymous said…
Thank u
Anonymous said…
many many thanx for example....please continue providing more examples in functions
yd said…
thanks.. very easy coding for this program..easily understable..
Anonymous said…
many many thanks for the example
rajat said…
int fabo(int);
int main()
int result=0,a=1,b=1,c,i;
printf("enter upto which you want to generate the series");
printf(" %d",result);}
int fabo(int n)
int i;
if (n==1)
return 1;
return 1;
return (fabo(n-1)+fabo(n-2));
Ravi said…
Rajat its good...
diane said…
thanks you so much this helped me a lot.. :D
Joy said…
Thanks for the example very well explained. Infact this site sholud be opened first when the google is surfed
Anonymous said…
the variable a=1 and b=1????is for???
Luv_Addiction said…
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Luv_Addiction said…
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Jignesh said…
This is awesome post and good imformation
C interview questions
int fabo(int);
int main()
int result=0,c,i;
printf("enter how many no. you see:");
printf(" %d",result);}
int fabo(int n)
int i;
if (n==1)
return 1;
return 1;
return (fabo(n-1)+fabo(n-2));

Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…



char name[|XII+I|];



Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Hi, Nice Program to calculate the factorial of a number. Use the concept of recursion
instead of using loops. .Thanks, its really helped me......

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Anonymous said…
The program is to be written in Matlab. Program must be liberally commented.
The program is a game played by a human versus the machine.
At the start, the prompt asks the human to enter three non-zero integers. These will constitute how many counters are in each Pile.
The machine then asks who goes first.
A turn consists of selecting a Pile and taking a number of counters from that pile.
For example, if the Piles contain 3, 7 and 12 counters, a legal move consists of taking from 1 to 3 from Pile 1, or 1, 2, … 7 from Pile2 etc.
The object of the game is to be the player to take the last counter(s). So if Piles contain 0 2 0, the player whose turn it is will take 2 from Pile 2 and win.
The program must play and optimal strategy so if it has a winning position it will win the game. If it does not have a winning position it should try to extend the game.
At the end of the game, the program must declare the winner.

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