To check whether the number is Even or Odd using if else

This Program checks whether the entered number is even or odd...

Any integer is input through the keyboard.

Write a program to find out whether it is an odd number or even number.


int num;

printf ("Enter a number to be checked for even/odd: ");
scanf ("%d",&num);

if (num%2==0)
printf ("The entered number is EVEN.\n");

printf ("The entered number is ODD.\n");


The file can also be downloaded at:
Download File


Unknown said…
void main()
int i;

printf("\n Input any number");

printf("\n Number is even");
printf("\n Number is odd");
Mithelash said…
int n;
printf ("Enter a number: ");
scanf ("%d",&n);
(n%2==0 ? printf("Even no"):printf ("ODD no"));
we can do this by using condition operator
van0014 said…
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van0014 said…
there is an easier method. as long as your compiler can check if a number has a decimal or not. For example, my compiler has a check called frac() which returns either true of false if a decimal value is present.


that will return either 1 or 0 if the number is even or odd
Anonymous said…
realy helpful thnxx arjit
Anonymous said…
as u say bt when we divided 6/2=3 which is not equal to 0,,then it means 6 is not an even number...??
Anonymous said…
With out using if-else...write a program to check whether the number is even or odd.
Anonymous said…
why % sign is used here in if statement i.e if(num%2==0)
Anonymous said…
u dont no anything motherf**ker

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