[1/2] Detection of Character using ASCII (Logical Operators)

This program detects whether the character entered is a Small letter, capital letter, a number or a special Symbol. This can be done by comparing each of the character with its corresponding ASCII Value.

Any character is entered through the keyboard, write a program to determine whether the
character entered is a capital letter, a small case letter, a digit or a special symbol.

char charac;

printf ("Enter the character to be checked for: ");
scanf("%c", &charac);

if ((charac>=65) && (charac<=95))

printf("The entered character is a Capital(Upper Case) Letter");
else if ((charac>=97) && (charac<=122))

printf("The entered character is a Small(Lower Case) Letter.");
else if ((charac>=48) && (charac<=57))

printf("The entered character is a Number");
else if ((charac>=0) && (charac<=47) ||(charac>=58) && (charac<=64) ||(charac>=91) && (charac<=96) ||(charac>=123) && (charac<=127))

printf("The entered character is a special symbol. ");

The file can be found at:
Download File


Anonymous said…
Thanks very much !!

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